quality Reports and documentation.
Key Economics
office has laser printing and CD-ROM burning facilities and Internet and email
connections. We make extensive use of MicroSoft Office products to enhance
the communication capacity of our written output for clients.
We also
make use of external outsourced resources for colour printing and for professional
editing of significant publications.
In the
last several years , apart from numerous small reports, our office has prepared:
- A 100
page Greenhouse report with full colour illustration for a subscription
client list
- Three
consultancy reports prepared to a publication-ready template for insertion
and editing into reports for a major client
- Two
presentations at external professional Conferences
- Client
user and systems documentation for several EDP systems and products
- Authors
drafts including illustrations for over half a dozen books on economics,
commercial or business studies material. These materials have been prepared
for teaching use so additional care has been given to appeal to an adolescent
target audience.